Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

Fighting Fatigue

We all have them now and then, those days when it seems like we’re dragging a tractor behind us - from the moment we step out the door.

While healthy lifestyle choices such as daily exercise and proper nutrition are still the most effective tools for combating daytime fatigue, finding yourself continually tired through the day could also be a compelling case for sleep apnea – a potentially life-threatening disorder characterized by interrupted breathing patterns during sleep.

Sam Bebawy, M.D., Bayshore Community Hospital, who specializes in pulmonary disease and sleep medicine, recommends that anyone struggling with daytime sleepiness, excessive snoring and/or unexplained tiredness talk to their doctor about scheduling a sleep study. This non-invasive, overnight exam utilizes electrodes to monitor key elements of sleep impacted by sleep apnea, including sleep stages, breathing rate, snoring and sleep disturbances.

 “Sleep apnea that is not treated can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, especially heart attack and stroke,” Dr. Bebawy says. “Not only are you making the patient feel good by treating it, you are preventing a serious condition from setting in or getting worse.”

Read more about sleep apnea, Dr. Bebawy, and one patient's sleep study experience in the May/June edition of Hackensack Meridian HealthViews.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Adrian Pristas, M.D., Medical Director of Meridian's Sleep Medicine Program, hits the WOBM airwaves

Adrian Pristas, M.D., Medical Director of Meridian's Sleep Medicine Program, now part of the Hackensack Meridian Health family, hit the WOBM airwaves recently to talk about how a good night’s sleep is important for maintaining overall health and well-being.

During the interview, Dr. Pristas was asked how someone might distinguish the occasional poor night's sleep from a potentially serious sleep issue posing legitimate health concerns.

"Everyone is allowed about 15 minutes after waking up in the morning to feel a little grumpy, groggy. But in general, you should wake up in the morning feeling pretty good," Dr. Pristas says. "You should be waking up most days feeling alert and well rested. If you're not; if you're consistently tired throughout the day or find yourself nodding off in the afternoon, that could be a red flag."

To learn more about Meridian Centers for Sleep Medicine, please visit or call 844-GetURZZ.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Healthy Sleep: First of Five 'Pillars of Health and Wellness'

We know that healthy sleep is one of the key components of integrative medicine, but at its essence, what does "integrative" health really entail?

Lori Knutson, RN, BSN, administrative director of Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine, recently stopped by  94.3 The Point to help answer that very question.

"When we talk about integrative health and medicine, we're talking about an umbrella term for all of the complimentary therapies that we bring into conventional medicine," Knutson says. "We call it 'integrative' because it's a combination of traditional Western medicine and other treatments such as massage, acupuncture, movement therapy, and more."

Sleep is one of the "five pillars of health and wellness" comprising the essence of Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine, along with nutrition, activity, resilience and purpose, according to Knutson.

Listen to Knutson's interview with 94.3 The Point to learn more about Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine and the five pillars of health and wellness.

Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine is a comprehensive health and wellness program designed to foster healthy alignment of body, mind and spirit. For more information, visit

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

To Nap, or Not To Nap?

With 3 out of 10 U.S. adults now clocking in 6 hours of sleep or less per night, it makes sense that daytime napping would be a viable solution for recovering some of that lost slumber.

Sleep is essential for your mind and body. It keeps you alert and focused. It helps cement memories. It may even boost your immune system, protecting you from illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. Given the benefits sleep can impart, napping should be a no-brainer for better health, right?

Unfortunately, the research has doled out mixed results. For instance, napping may relieve stress and improve alertness. It may also be good for your emotions. One study found napping may thwart negative feelings like frustration and impulsiveness.

But daytime napping may have a dark side.

Some past studies suggest napping may shorten your life. That may be especially true if you nap for more than 1 hour a day. One possible reason for this connection: People who nap more may have an undiagnosed health condition. Napping has been linked to diseases such as diabetes and depression. Or people who nap may simply not sleep well at night — a serious hex on your overall health.

More research is needed to fully decide if napping is a boon or a bust for your health. But it still may not be the best way to make up for lost slumber. Why? Naps don’t give your body enough time in deep sleep. That’s the most restorative stage of sleeping.

Yet, many people all over the world enjoy napping on a regular basis. For example, siestas are a daily ritual in Mediterranean countries. And experts recommend naps for people who work the night shift, suffer from jet lag, or have narcolepsy — a sleep disorder that causes a person to fall asleep suddenly and unexpectedly.

If you want to take a daytime nap, here are some tips that will help you better catch that extra shut-eye.

Friday, March 4, 2016

From A to ZZZZZ: Dr. Ash Visits TODAY to Launch Sleep Awareness Week

In honor of the National Sleep Foundation's annual Sleep Awareness Week, a seven-day celebration of sleep health kicking off for 2016 on March 6, Carol Ash, D.O., Director of Sleep Medicine for Meridian Health, dropped by TODAY to help answer the question, "What's keeping you awake?"

According to Dr. Ash, upwards of 60 to 80 percent of Americans aren't getting the essential seven hours of sleep per night - the minimum needed to avoid long-term health consequences.

So what is keeping us awake at night? According to Dr. Ash, the answer could be right outside your window.

"There was a study recently done at Stamford, which looked at 16,000 people over eight years," says Dr. Ash. "They found that those living in communities of 500,000 people or more found it much more difficult to get the sleep they need."

So... what's the solution? Watch Dr. Ash's TODAY segment below to find out.

Friday, February 26, 2016

CDC Study Examines Social Patterns Among Healthy Sleepers

Featuring Carol Ash, D.O.
Director of Sleep Medicine
Meridian Health

Inadequate sleep has been linked to conditions that include obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, anxiety, and depression.

Now, with an increasing number of Americans stressing more and sleeping less, the need has never been greater for us to challenge traditional answers to an age-old question: What is really keeping us up at night?

According to a recent CDC report, 35% of U.S. adults are getting less than the essential seven hours of sleep, and 12% of Americans are sleeping less than five hours per day. The report includes a demographic breakdown of healthy sleepers in each of the 50 states — revealing patterns which beg further questions about the nation’s sleep epidemic.

These trends hint at deeper, social connections to this potentially life threatening health condition, and they are a further reminder that the difficulties that Americans struggle with during the day don’t simply disappear when the lights go out.

Key points from the CDC’s findings include:
· Lack of sleep is more prevalent in urban, densely populated areas
· Married and unmarried couples get more sleep than people who are divorced, widowed or separated
· People with a college education get more sleep
· The unemployed have the lowest average of healthy sleepers (51%)

“Look at the trends, and then ask yourself ‘Why?’ What’s the connection?” says Carol Ash, D.O. “When we’re fighting to make ends meet — whether it’s due to unemployment, poverty or problems with a spouse — it plagues our mental, physical and emotional health. People need stability, and when we’re struggling with economic and/or social turmoil, the stress, anxiety and depression can be overpowering, even when the lights go out.”

Dr. Ash believes the solution lies in a push toward education and an emphasis on every day, healthy minded practices. She credits groundbreaking research initiated in 1965 involving nearly 7,000 residents of Alameda County, California, which concluded that sleep was one of seven health habits, a.k.a. the "Alameda 7," revealed to be key determinants of good health and, ultimately, a longer life.

“The key is education on the importance of simple, everyday lifestyle adjustments, empowerment from the knowledge that, yes, you are in control,” Ash says.

Simple behaviors proven to have a positive impact on sleep include:
· Eat healthier
· Exercise. 30 minutes a day is optimum, but starting at even less is still a start.
· Mindfulness and/or breathing exercises
· Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake up time

Read the full CDC report here for more information.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Top Health Stories of 2015: Preventive Medicine News Evokes Unmatched Response

As another year passes on into our rearview, so too arrives the opportunity to look toward a new year full of bold challenges and uncharted horizons. Before we set off on our journey toward a healthier, happier 2016, let's look back on some of our most popular stories of the year, courtesy of our own Meridian Health experts.

Sleep Well, Wake Healthy

In November, nationally renowned sleep expert Carol Ash, D.O, director of sleep medicine for Meridian Health, was the keynote speaker for “Power of an Hour.” The free event, held at Oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank, focused on the ways sleep habits can impact (and be impacted by) stress management, fitness, diet and overall health.

“We are dealing with a health crisis right now,” Ash said. “Sleep is the backbone of your health.”

Watch video from the event here.

Light Up Your Life

2015 was a year of adversity in many forms, challenges we all felt the brunt of in some way. When adversity seems insurmountable, it’s all too easy to be overcome by stress, anxiety and depression - serious health conditions with potentially life-threatening consequences. On November 18, Stacy Doumas, M.D., director of education for the department of psychiatry at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, hosted a special inspirational event in which she shared tips for maintaining mental and emotional strength in the face of adversity. Read Dr. Doumas’ piece, “Light Up Your Life: Celebrating Your Life, Helping Others & Finding Hope.”

Changes to Mammography Guidelines

In response to the American Cancer Society’s revised mammography screening guidelines, Denise Johnson-Miller, M.D., FACS, medical director of breast surgery for Meridian Health, offered several important points to keep in mind when considering these new recommendations. Read Dr. Johnson-Miller’s article here.

Mighty, Mighty Metabolism

Weight management and the obesity epidemic continued to dominate headlines in 2015. In March, Alexandra Woodrick, M.S., weight management coach and clinical exercise specialist at Meridian Fitness & Wellness at Jackson, contributed a piece for Meridian Weightless that helped explain the relationship between weight loss and body metabolism.

Read Alexandra’s article here.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dr. Ash on Steve Harvey Show: Biggest Mistake Made by People Seeking Sound Sleep

What is the NUMBER ONE mistake made by people in their efforts to get a better night's sleep? On a recent visit to The Steve Harvey Show, Meridian Health Director of Sleep Medicine Dr. Carol Ash answers this question - and helps a woman who hasn't had a full night's rest in more than five years!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Don't Lose Sleep Over Congestion, Especially During Pregnancy

Getting adequate sleep during pregnancy is difficult enough; if an expectant mother can’t breathe through her nose, it will only make a trying situation worse.

Howard Landsman, D.O.
Ocean Medical Center
Congestion during pregnancy - often referred to as vasomotor rhinitis or rhinitis of pregnancy  - is caused by

hormonal changes which can cause swelling of mucous membranes and increased mucous.

While rhinitis of pregnancy is not dangerous in and of itself,  it can impact sleep, which is especially important to expectant mothers.

Congestion during pregnancy usually starts around the second month and can be exacerbated if the expectant mother has allergies or gets a cold.

When it comes to easing congestion and sleep more comfortably, always try conservative remedies first, which can include:
  • Nasal saline
  • Steam
  • Humidifiers
  • Elevating the head of your bed
If conventional methods prove ineffective, there are also category B prescription medications that can help, particularly if there are underlying allergies or the congestion is severe.

Learn more with these helpful resources:

Monday, February 9, 2015

How much sleep do you really need?

Earlier this month, the National Sleep Foundation released an age-based breakdown of recommended hourly sleep each day, as reported in the Washington Post.  The recommendations for ages ranging from newborns to older adults were published in the foundation's journal Sleep Health.

So how much sleep do you need? Find out here.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

For Tom Brady, the perfect 'night out' is a night in

When a Super Bowl MVP and star NFL quarterback has a night to himself, you might imagine him spending it out on the town, partying till dawn, and indulging in a few of the all star "perks" of being a celebrity baller.

(Photo by Stephan Savoia/Associated Press)
“I’m not doing anything like that. That time has come and gone in my life. I did a lot of charger work last night - sleeping," said Patriots QB Tom Brady during an interview on WEEI's "Dennis and Callahan Show."

"This is my first time away from my kids in a while, so I finally get some decent sleep," he added.

While teammates Rob Gronkowski, Jonas Gray, and Shane Vereen were attending a recent Clippers game, Brady had no qualms admitting his ideal "night out" is often a night in - catching up on some much needed sleep, according to Jordi Lippe of Yahoo Health.