Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

Fighting Fatigue

We all have them now and then, those days when it seems like we’re dragging a tractor behind us - from the moment we step out the door.

While healthy lifestyle choices such as daily exercise and proper nutrition are still the most effective tools for combating daytime fatigue, finding yourself continually tired through the day could also be a compelling case for sleep apnea – a potentially life-threatening disorder characterized by interrupted breathing patterns during sleep.

Sam Bebawy, M.D., Bayshore Community Hospital, who specializes in pulmonary disease and sleep medicine, recommends that anyone struggling with daytime sleepiness, excessive snoring and/or unexplained tiredness talk to their doctor about scheduling a sleep study. This non-invasive, overnight exam utilizes electrodes to monitor key elements of sleep impacted by sleep apnea, including sleep stages, breathing rate, snoring and sleep disturbances.

 “Sleep apnea that is not treated can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, especially heart attack and stroke,” Dr. Bebawy says. “Not only are you making the patient feel good by treating it, you are preventing a serious condition from setting in or getting worse.”

Read more about sleep apnea, Dr. Bebawy, and one patient's sleep study experience in the May/June edition of Hackensack Meridian HealthViews.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Feeling short-changed on shut eye? You're not alone.

Short-changed on shut eye? You're not alone, as more than 83 million Americans are now reported to be lacking sleep.

While some may be worried about "sleeping their life away," a new study finds that about one-third of Americans have the opposite problem, snoozing less than the recommended seven hours per night.

And while the resulting drowsiness can contribute to accidents, anxiety, depression and lost productivity, the less immediate health effects raise even greater cause for concern.

“Overtime, lack of sleep alters your hormones and metabolism, increasing your risk for diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease,” says Jeffrey Miskoff, D.O., a pulmonologist at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

To find out where you and the sandman stand, try keeping a 10-day sleep journal. Be sure to log when you fall asleep and wake up, and include any naps as well. And don't forget to discuss your sleep habits with your doctor.

Monday, July 13, 2015

In Defense of Mondays

You can't avoid it. You know it's coming - just like it has a thousand times before and will a thousand more.

But do Mondays get a bum rap?

We all know how it feels: You're sluggish. You're irritable. You can't focus...

Wait, don't we know those symptoms from somewhere else?

What if  "the Mondays" aren't a condition, but a symptom themselves?

Here's a hint: When was the last time you were out of bed and out the door by 7 a.m. - on a Sunday?

Who doesn't love staying up, and sleeping in a bit later on weekends? But, according to Meridian Health Director of Sleep Medicine Dr. Carol Ash, maintaining the same bedtime and wake-up time every day - yes, even weekends - helps keep your internal clock balanced and properly wound.

But if you're consistently throwing off your body's internal rhythm when weekends hit, don't be surprised to feel your chains grinding when it's time to shift back into high gear - a.k.a., Monday morning.

So, next time someone at the office complains about "the Mondays," smile and remind them that the world gave us YouTube, the Jackson 5 and Kermit the Frog all on a Monday.

And than invite them over for Sunday coffee - at 6 a.m. sharp.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Join Us in Freehold for a "Mall Walk" and Wellness Discussion Featuring Dr. Carol Ash!

Join us Wednesday, July 22 at Freehold Raceway Mall  for a relaxing morning mall walk, followed by a special discussion with Meridian's own authority on sleep health, Carol Ash, D.O.

Dr. Ash will talk about how making small, gradual adjustments to sleep and lifestyle habits can dramatically improve your long-term health. 

Register by calling  1-800-560-9990.  More information is available here.

For expert sleep advice, here's Dr. Ash on FOX News discussing some of the long-term effects lack of sleep can have on the overall health of adults and teenagers.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dr. Ash featured on

With features in national media outlets such as Today, Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times, Woman's Day, Shape, Prevention and Reader's Digest, Meridian Health Director of Sleep Medicine, Carol Ash, DO, is a board-certified general internist, fellowship-trained pulmonary, critical-care and sleep-medicine specialist with more than 15 years of experience in clinical medicine.

Dr. Ash recently contributed a piece on "resetting" your internal clock, in which she suggested natural, cost effective alternatives to over-the-counter sleep medications, which she calls "short term solutions to recurring problems."

One potential remedy Dr. Ash lists is mindful breathing, an elegant solution for alleviating stress and achieving deep rest.

Read the full article here:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Improve Mind, Body and Relationship By Sleeping Separately

He likes it cold; she likes it hot. She's a mover and a shaker; he's down for the count.

Opposites may attract, but when it's time to call it a night, some differences come at a cost.

It sounds extreme, but on an episode of "The Doctors," Dr. Carol Ash discussed how sleeping separately from your partner could provide a healthier night's sleep all around.

Dr. Ash discussed findings from a study that found people who sleep alone tend to get a better night's sleep - as over 50% of those surveyed blamed their mates for their sleep disturbances.

Researchers add that relationships and overall health can improve dramatically when couples opt to sleep separately.

So what does Dr. Ash have to say? Is "divide and conquer" an option worth considering for couples not getting adequate sleep?

 "We think of sleeping apart as taboo and something we should never do," Ash says. "But the truth of the matter is, sleep is so important,  if that is what you have to do to get a good night's sleep, then, yes, it is."

Watch the full segment below and decide for yourself.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Can't sleep? The answer may be all around you.

Sleep deprivation can be a symptom of numerous health issues, but it's important to remember that the causes of our sleep disruptions aren't always internal.

According to Dr. Carol Ash, the following external factors can affect our sleeping patterns:
  • Room temperature
  • Jet lag
  • Variations in schedule
  • Snoring
 Watch Dr. Ash's Weather Channel appearance to learn more about the effects our environment can have on our sleep habits.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dr. Ash helps answers the question, "Why am I so tired?"

It's a question we've all asked ourselves: "Why am I so tired?"

On a visit to TODAY earlier this year, Dr. Carol Ash and Julie Bain, Health Director for Ladies Home Journal, offered tips to help provide answers to that question.

Both Ash and Bain agreed that mental fatigue and stress can be one of the biggest causes of daytime sleepiness.

"Stress is a good thing; it helps us overcome challenges," Ash said. "But sustained stress can lead to anxiety and depression."

These types of stress can keep you awake at night - and exhausted during the day.

Ash advises, when stress and anxiety are keeping you up, write it down, and then confide with someone you trust during the day.

Watch the full TODAY segment below.